Sunday, December 4, 2011

J's Baby Arrives - a whole week early!

The point of this blog has arrived.  She is small, she is sweet, she is helpless and she is a survivor - as all babies are.  Her mother is sweet, beautiful, in touch and I believe up for the challenge of this new adventure.  Daddy is also quite simply.... in love as all new Daddies could be.

There was a really good birth and then the drama of a haemorrhage after, which I suppose is how in olden times, many children lost their mother at birth.  But, thanks to many discoveries of science, this is not often the case; as in this case.

Honey Child and doting Aunt
As I sat on the bus to Randwick, I don't think I've been so excited, not even with my own children (as I actually had to physically deliver them).  And as I entered the hospital room, their she was, my friend, my sister girl; physically exhausted but glowing with change and creation.  I grabbed her teeny bundle knowing somehow that everything here in this room is different.  Lives are now different, as they should be.

Congratulations to J & J, I know you don't know entirely what you've gotten yourselves into, but no doubt it shall all be revealed in due time xo

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